your making them pay NOW!
fuckin absurd this guy
well...of source wells
goodmorning to those to stumble upon.
the autonomous save just updated and hopefully an experience was encountered...well.come to an excursion experienced through filters and a series of tubes. perhaps some maybe be wo9ndering...and as am it is turning out to be an A to Be ing reference we vaccumetoconsume and the sensory organs have no need to absorb the uttering utmost of employed furthering the donut is not black and white but sprinkled with the most sparkeling rainbow of waves varying in all materials and prisms...why would the violence have to exist other than a stagnant pause in population, our only hope? lets hope not..
her hearing here were hearing here hes hearing hear shes hearing us were hearing her were both speaking shes he we all mothhearing what needs to be digested is the beauty of this and the rainbows were blessed with shock shocking even more shocking trying thinking of this exsistence as magic because here we are out of millions and included within billions just to be apart of trillions and apply all the t-i-on's you would like..we feel all and perhaps this is what is scary...perhaps this is why we made this album but it knows i is scared too.

"the earepripkissabill (to pay another day) Demo Disc"
All music and lyrics have been written, performed, synthesized, manipulated and disbursthead by SsengamNiloc except where noted (collaborations and samples)
i. in ear able
In ear able by SsengamNiloc
(lt lups at gulp)

"lt lups at gulp"
I. ReGarble the Su-Wage War
The beginning of song starts with altered quotes and vinyl manipulations from a piece called "Chop Suey" from the musical "Flower Drum Song"
II. Ane Ene Yne and the fourth dont forget the fourth its in there some where every here
Starts with a sample from "A Hand Fulla Gimme" by Dizzy Gillespie and a portion of a piano riff was used through out with synth drums on top
III. sulfer infested brethren (are you afraid of the dark)
violin played in the very beginning (the professional sounding one) performed by a talented friend practicing in her living room. many of the under lying noises are feild recordings of different happenings with friends traveling abroad. real instruments: half sized violin and alto sax
IV. Shining Times Project
quote in the beginning and portion of piano riff used through out are from the theme song of "Shining Times Station"
V. Paper Clip
sample close to end is from the "Merry Widow Waltz" and the moan at the very end is Patrick from the tv show "Sponge Bob Square Pants"
(octo-problem album)

this is a concept ablum currently in progress where restrictions were applied: all noises placed repetativly in a linear line must be dropped spewed layer in one sitting as well as the lyrics which must strictly be freestyled (freedbees in their rawest form). However i broke the rules as it came to "Never Had an In Cling" where i used some synthesized touches "bass and guitar plucks" all freedbees tho
VI. & the fish hole is the worm
VII. Tweet Tweet Tweet your made of puddles
VIII. Breeze bwap bantum phantom bottled up cow tails
IX. Never Had an In Cling
(?..Colabritve Projects)
Many thanks to Eric Sanderson and Lester Diamond for the patience and oppurtunity to work with such talented individuals.
X. You're Amalgamated
Don't really even know why this is in here except for the fact that the moment and collaboration between muscle motion and gavitational force to opperate a newly obtained toy (looper pedler) and disperse a one time spew of lyrics plotted and lyrics never seen before half one half two half. also dubbed from cLOUDDEAD's incorporated feed back and vinyl wires from Beethoven's symphony no. 9 in D minor, op 125
XI. 3 lines locked %20 be the straights while the other 70% be the H2o shakes 10
All original music composed and produced by Eric Sanderson. Be on the look out for version two re-recorded with all live instruments
XII. a carnie little bird
All original music composed and produced by Lester Diamond. Vocals recorded and manipulated by SsengamNiloc
A carnie little bird by SsengamNiloc
(Spoke in a Wheelword)
XIII. SSNFreedBees over Jedi Mind Tricks' Incanatrix
with snippets of the tracks before and after. One of the first totally relinquished flesh free styles caught in a box (you can hear a table saw in the background) only a 3 minutes cut of the nine minute whole
SSN-FreedBees over JMT Incanatrix mostly by SsengamNiloc
XIV. a crusty ass booger named yum yum
spontaneous spoken word bees enhanced with noise?
XV. Soon what it is in the bev we trot part 3 quarters
cut from the "Doomin Scoomin" cloth. Spontaneous spoken sloth first spoken with environment with moment and then spontaneous intuitive compositions of synthesized instruments. Line ups will line up when they grace out presence other times noise hovers
ii. poss a able
the first and last track of this compilation were specifically written performed and composed for this amalgamation using some help from duckies. real instruments: digitally manipulated half size violin
(Bonus Track)
iii. SSN
Most recently completed track shall be on the "new all bloom" ablum. Quotes from a convo with some good friends and family. Real instruments: saxophone and mini korg both digitally manipulated

"the newAllBloom"
reference of the encounter with the "bink tine mines" (like most of anything to be produced in the future and the now; will surely be directly influenced from said noun) all tracks on this we're.
damn...if you made it this far actually indulging than your diaper must be bulging...

the fourth di e mention